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FOSS4G 2021 - Using point clouds in QGIS

FOSS4G 2021 - Using point clouds in QGIS from FOSS4G on YouTube.


Last year, three open source companies and dozens of funders joined the forces to add support for point cloud data in QGIS. Thanks to that, starting from QGIS 3.18 users can display LAS/LAZ datasets in both 2D and 3D map views. In this talk, we will introduce the new functionality, provide tips how to get the most from your lidar data and discuss the future improvements.

The talk should introduce the point cloud support in QGIS to ordinary users, without going too much into detail of how things work internally.

Relevant blog posts introducing point clouds in QGIS: - -

Authors and Affiliations – Martin Dobias, Lutra Consulting