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Open3D - Crowd-Sourced Distributed Curation of City Models

Open3D: Crowd-Sourced Distributed Curation of City Models (Web3D 2016) from SmartGeometry on YouTube.


Open3D: Crowd-Sourced Distributed Curation of City Models Web3D 2016 Zhihan Lu, Paul Guerrero, Niloy J. Mitra and Anthony Steed University College London (UCL)

We propose a system called Open3D, that enables collaborative curation of large-scale city models. Users of the system may view the model in a browser, which also acts as a social hub. Editing is performed using a novel parametric editing approach that is efficient and intuitive. Changes are applied back to the shared model, taking care to avoid conflicting edits from different users. Operations performed on one model can be retargeted to multiple similar models with a small number of manual adjustments.

See for more details.


Lu, Z., Guerrero, P., Mitra, N. J., & Steed, A. (2016, July). Open3D: crowd-sourced distributed curation of city models. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Web3D Technology (pp. 87-94).


Open3D: Crowd-Sourced Distributed Curation of City Models: