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An Urban Sensation (2011)

An Urban Sensation

An Urban Sensation from DanFS on Vimeo.


An Urban Sensation overlay live CCTV footage to a 3D model of the urban environment. This would allow you to move around the city space exploring visual soundings in real time. Combined with a GPS trace you can then re-live you visual surroundings or experience the visual surroundings of another person.


An Urban Sensation is a proposal for an open source infrastructure that would enable the virtual reconstruction of our surroundings at any location. The infrastructure makes it possible to emulate sight, sound and smell. For the sense of sight live CCTV footage is overlain on a 3D model of the urban environment. This allows you to move around the city space exploring visual soundings in real time. Combined with a GPS trace you can then re-live you visual surroundings or experience the visual surroundings of another person or just ponder what it would be like to be at hypothetical location.

- Dan Foster Smith (2011)




This Urban Monitoring System is an open source infrastructure of networked devices collecting data. The data collected makes it possible to emulate the environmental surroundings of an individual. The system focuses on three of our six sensors; collecting visual data used to emulate sight, sound data to emulate hearing, and door data to emulate our sense of smell.

Through the amalgamation of these different data sets it becomes possible to emulate what someone would be sensing at any location. By recording the data over time and adding a position you can reconstruct past sensory experiences.

This project was developed as a research method to discover how our environmental setting affect our behaviour. Inspired by online methods of tracking and personalisation in order to optimise website layout. This project speculates how our real world personal data may be collected in order to optimise the build environment.

Using the Urban Sensory Infrastructure we can reconstruct people’s sensory experiences prior to a certain type of behaviour. These experiences can then be analysed for shared environmental factors, allowing us to question whether these factors subconsciously prime people to behave in this way.

Would this holistic method then allow us to hold others responsible for effecting our actions? Could we trace what environmental factors prime opportunistic crimes, impulse purchases, break our diets or even proposing irrational undying love for some one.


This Urban Monitoring System was developed to explore the future potential of pervasive technology. What would be possible when an open source infrastructure of networked devices start sharing the data they collect? Could we use this data to emulate a more human perspective on the environment?

The system focuses on three of our five sensors; collecting visual data used to emulate sight, sound data to emulate hearing, and door data to emulate our sense of smell.

Through the amalgamation of these different data sets it becomes possible to emulate someones environmental surroundings at any location. But not only this, by recording the data over time and adding a position (from a GPS device) you can reconstruct your or other peoples past sensory surroundings.

- Sensory Emulation by Dan Foster Smith (2011)