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BCNoids (2008)

BCNoids Phase2

BCNoids Phase2 from enrique soriano on Vimeo.

BCNoids Reel

BCNoids Reel from enrique soriano on Vimeo.


Project developed in Visualizar'08 host in MediaLab Prado, Madrid
Authors: Marina Rocarols Enrique Soriano
Collaborators: Pep Tornabell, Theodore Molloy
Thanks to:
vvvvgroup & vvvvcomunity
Pau & BitCarrier
Jose Luis de Vicente
Pablo Ripollés
Fabien Girardin
Andrés Ortiz
Aaron Meyers
Santiago Ortiz


BCNoids generates dynamic urban cartographies through ubiquitous computing.

The public bicycle rental service was introduced into Barcelona in May 2007, and its gradual and successful implantation ever since has transformed the cityscape. With their displacements, users of this service generate information on their journeys, bicycles and stations which are then compiled in the central computer of BSM, the body managing the service, which then searches for mechanisms to optimise responses to imbalances in the use of its network.

- Enrique Soriano (2008)