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Babel (2015)

Babel by Mark van der Net - UABB 2015-HD from Social City on Vimeo.


Part of the Social City exhibition at UABB are two interactive installations by architect and computer programmer Mark van der Net. The installations describe the energy of two great neighbouring cities, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, captured by big data.

The interactive installations by Mark van der Net are directly tapping the social media, namely Weibo and Twitter in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. His work shows the things citizens communicate about and the places in the city at which they are while using social media. The virtual city grows with the activity of its citizens, creating a babel of individual messages, pictures, desires. Far from being a physical representation of the city, Babel illustrates the super-structure of social media and its urban dynamics.

Babel Hong Kong

Babel Hong Kong preview from OSCity on Vimeo.

Babel SHZ

Babel SHZ from OSCity on Vimeo.