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Home of the Brain - VR installation (1989-91) by Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss, ART+COM

Home of the Brain - VR installation (1989-91) by Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss, ART+COM from Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss on YouTube.


This video (1992) is about (one of) the first artistic Virtual Reality installations. The installation was presented in test phases starting in 1989 with networked computers between Berlin (Art+Com e.V.) and Geneva (Telecom). "Home of the Brain" (1989-91) by Fleischmann & Strauss not only reflects a medium that was new at the time but also the media discourse itself is exhibited here as a philosophical debate. Vilém Flusser talks about "Vernetzungsstruktur" (Networking Structure), and Paul Virilio about "L'Espace Vitesse" (Geschwindigkeitsraum / space velocity). Joseph Weizenbaum says „dieses Halten der Hand hat für den Menschen eine Bedeutung, aber für die mechanische Hand überhaupt keine“ (this holding of the hand has a meaning for man, but not at all for the mechanical hand), and Marvin Minsky claims "it's a waste of time to learn things over again when other people have those structures ...". The visitor acts in a new world brain of networked computers - in the "Home of the Brain". It was awarded the Golden Nica of the Prix Ars Electronica in 1992.  Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss. Berlin, 8th October 2019

The artistic production Home of the Brain was developed at Raumlabor of Art+Com, directed by Fleischmann & Strauss, and supported by Deutsche Telekom/Berkom. Art+Com e.V. cooperators: Edouard Bannwart, Dirk Lüsebrink, Uli Weinberg, Gavin Hodge, Hendrik Tramberend, Josef Speier, Achim Gothe.

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