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Creative Applications

Audio Processing

  • Spleeter - An audio source separation library by Deezer which includes pretrained models for splitting audio files into separate tracks for vocals, drums, bass, piano and other instruments. Written in Python the library can also be used to train new models using Tensorflow.

Image Processing

  • Korkut - Quick and simple image processing at the command line for Linux and OS X.

Video Processing

  • MoviePy - MoviePy is a Python module for video editing, which can be used for basic operations (like cuts, concatenations, title insertions), video compositing (a.k.a. non-linear editing), video processing, or to create advanced effects. It can read and write the most common video formats, including GIF.
  • scene-detector - A Python script that automatically identifies distinct scenes in a video and generates video clips and thumbnails for each scene.
  • videogrep - Videogrep is a command line tool by Sam Lavigne that searches through dialog in video files and makes supercuts. Videogrep requires a matching subtitle track with each video you want to use. If necessary transcriptions that can be generated with other tools like vosk or pocketsphinx. Videogrep tutorial:
  • VidPy - A Python video editor and compositor. Provides ability to stitch, mosaic and mask videos, remove backgrounds with chroma key, apply filters and overlay text.
  • Vosk - A lightweight, offline speech recognition toolkit by alphacephei with bindings for Python, Node.JS and C# amongst others. It can be used for offline transcription of audio and video sources or deployed as an MQTT, GRPC, WebRTC or Websocket server using Docker.
  • yt-dlp - A command line tool for downloading videos from and other video platforms. Provides an up-to-date fork of the inactive youtube-dlc and subsequent youtube-dl fork.