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Research Workflow

  1. Find papers with Research Rabbit AND/OR use Literature Review Tools Jupyter Notebooks
  2. Download papers
  3. Store papers in Zotero
    • Create a new collection for current project in 'My Library'
    • Import papers into the new collection (they will also be added to 'My Library' as part of the process)
  4. Read and annotate papers using Zotero (Beta)
    • Highlighting
  5. Extract annotations in Zotero (Zotfile)
  6. Export annotations to markdown for Obsidian (MDNotes)
  7. Summarise paper and make notes in Obsidian

Zotero Workflow


  • YELLOW - Important point by the author
  • GREEN - Important to me
  • RED - Disagree with the author
  • PURPLE - Note or reference to look up (will remain Purple until the note or reference has been reviewed)
  • BLUE - Notes made after the initial read through on second reading
