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Bikeshare API Visualization in TouchDesigner

Videos demonstrating how to visualise spatial data from an external API in TouchDesigner using Python and OSC.

Bikeshare API Visualization in TouchDesigner

Bikeshare API Visualization in TouchDesigner from Lake Heckaman on YouTube.


In this tutorial we use some simple Python (assisted by ChatGPT) to access and import real time bikeshare data from anywhere in the world via API.

In Part 1 we will use jupyter notebooks, create a stand-alone python program that runs as its own process, and then in Part 2 we will leverage OSC to bring our data into TouchDesigner!

Project files on patreon:

00:00:00 - Start 00:00:19 - Overview of Citibike API Project 00:02:24 - Python Setup 00:05:20 - Data Introduction - General Bikeshare Feed Specifications 00:14:11 - Using Jupyter Notebook for Data Analysis 00:16:12 - Using ChatGPT to write an API query function in python 00:34:28 - Selecting Columns of Interest 00:36:48 - Rendering Stations as Points with Add SOP 00:43:02 - Write Function for Realtime Bikeshare Ride Data 00:47:40 - Function to extract starts/stops from realtime data 01:10:49 - Creating standalone python script

Bikeshare API Visualization in TouchDesigner: Part 2

Bikeshare API Visualization in TouchDesigner: Part 2 from Lake Heckaman on YouTube.


In this tutorial we use some simple Python (assisted by ChatGPT) to access and import real time bikeshare data from anywhere in the world via API.

In Part 1 we will use jupyter notebooks, create a stand-alone python program that runs as its own process, and then in Part 2 we will leverage OSC to bring our data into TouchDesigner!

Project files on patreon:

00:00 - Start 01:08 - Finish standalone Python Script 12:41 - Writing OSC function using ChatGPT 28:15 - Processing OSC Bikeshare Events in TouchDesigner